When God tells us to not commit adultery, its not simply because He thinks we should avoid adultery its because adultery is contrary to who God is. He was in a band in those days, playing guitar at keg parties and meeting girls. Feeling encouraged by a false message, confident when they should be repentant, etc. He called Word of Faith teacher Joyce Meyer the greatest Bible teacher alive today.. We dont really have a way to accurately compare it to anything, and comparing is one of the key ways we understand anything. In the latter, he even did an impression of Sylvester Stallone. God saves us in response to our acceptance of His offer of salvation. My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Take Elevation's recent goal of 1,000 "spontaneous baptisms" the kind people don't know they're going to get when they show up for church in their street clothes. See, John 14:17 for he dwells with you (old testament), and shall be in you (new testament). So, then how much greater exploits, Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. What power? If you dont receive it in your heart, you limit what God can do. Same thing. Man has three components likewise God. He was able to. A lot of people disagree with me, but theres TONS of good music out there. By most people's standards, Furtick is a major success. He puts humanity in the position of thwarting Gods will, which is a common idea among Word of Faith teachers. I am then always in the middle of each passage and then God is not being served. Not getting respect is a symptom of unbelief, which will result in let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. (James 1:7) exactly which happened here in Mark 6:5,6. For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. If one doesnt, then such a one can ask humbly for help (James 4:10), as this man in scripture did! Not Maybe Jesus chose not to exercise His power because they wouldnt acknowledge Him as Messiah, or Maybe Jesus decided not to perform more miracles because people didnt really want to be healed, or Maybe Jesus knew that more miracles would accomplish nothing for the Kingdom, or anything like that. Ive only done the same. Hundreds of recently filed sexual abuse lawsuits could lead to the bankruptcy of the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento, the diocese's bishop said this week in a letter to the congregation. Its a waste of your time and mine. Fried chicken, cornbread and cake what brings you back to this Charlotte restaurant. Zachariah didnt believe he could have a son at his advanced age it wasnt his faith that allowed God to give him John the Baptist. He is the sustainer of the universe. In this case, those consequences might be only a few minutes of ritual uncleanness, or most of a day. Not just theological stuff, but ALL true things. Im not sure that what youve written makes sense. Hope you are doing well, as it has been awhile since corresponding and you writing; When Furtick claims that Jesus was UNABLE to do ANY miracles because the power of God was trapped in the unbelief of humans, But since then, I just heard Andrew Wommack teach about Mark 6:5,6 saying we can limit God. While I appreciate the graciousness of wanting to give people the benefit of the doubt, there are (at least) three problems with this idea. One of the things cited for Elevation Churchs growth is the atmosphere surrounding baptisms. Dont even listen to yourself! All I know is what God has done in my life."'. Dont listen to false teachers, and dont defend those who teach falsely. Hes pretty harsh. I heard a bible teacher say once, that we should let the scripture interpret scripture, as it does a better job. Learn a little Greek. He is rare he actually tells how life really is and tells his own fears and struggles that people can actually relate to. That does NOT mean that its okay to add to, or to take away from, ANY passage of Scripture. So no, modalism is not a false doctrine. God is spirit. Do you? When He tells us, we should pay attention. If you agree, we have a LOT of work to do. Last year, Furtick made headlines when his church doled out $40,000 to members, in envelopes filled with $5, $20, even $1,000, and told them to spend it kindly on others. The question is whether a teacher directly contradicts the Bible, or adds to the Bible in a way that compromises the truth in it. Questions about false teaching often raise emotions pretty high, so thanks! The couple met each other at North Greenville University while they were both students and hit it off. You have raising from the dead power on the inside of you, and you have to see it. Being made in Gods image does not mean that we share all of His attributes. (Un)Qualified: How God Uses Broken People to Do Big Things. The simple truth is that I dont want you to trust me, Ryan. Yes heresy touches the doctrines of the Church not the mistakes of theologizing, Trinity is such central doctrine about God. Do you see it now? This indepth info is showing a envy for his church and a single point of view. You and I arent Job, or Moses, or Jesus. He wasnt referring to the gospel of John, or the epistles of John, either. You rightly say; While its true that our faith can prompt God to act, but to then say; our lack of faith cannot prevent Him from acting if He wants to. Your email address will not be published. And as Im reading your comments. Is Steven Furtick TRYING to pervert the gospel, or has he simply not yet been led into all truth? Elevation pastor is not wrong at all. Why? I dont know Steve or anything about him. Other translations, using thousands of additional ancient and biblical manuscripts, render it differently. Dr. Dewey Smith. Low 31F. #2 debunked. If our lack of faith prevented Him from acting, then nobody could be saved ever. Women should never cut their hair. Salvation IS a huge deal but if our only concern was salvation, we wouldnt need most of the New Testament. Theres no limit to what God CAN do, but there are limits to what He WILL do. Go back to Genesis and see that God created Adam out of the earth, and breathed into him, and he became a living soul. I said you were BEING irresponsible. God bless and give you discernment. Furtick, later on, joined Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky where he received a master of divinity degree. Then he started acting like a pastor, penciling in appointments in a date book with friends he hoped to convert. Why say that He AND the Father would indwell us, rather than simply saying I? If justice is ignored, God is not who He claims to be. First, that doesnt match what we read in Scripture. If only the apostle Paul had known what Kenneth Copeland, Steven Furtick, Joyce Meyer, and Andrew Wommack know. Besides Providence High in Charlotte, Elevation a Southern Baptist church holds packed services every Sunday at Butler High in Matthews, N.C., and, since last month, at Spirit Square in uptown Charlotte. For example: in the passage above, where Jesus is in His hometown, we should read what the text says and learn from what it says. Be like a Berean and test everything including what I say here with Scripture. Very well explained. But some times enjoys listening to fellows like Furtick and TD Jakes knowing the doctrine and error in the ministry itself. Im very comfortable with that. I always wonder what they do with the verses about Jesusbaptism where all three members of the Trinity are present at one time. Please: take some time to consider throwing the baby out with the bath water. As for telling Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach, you took that out of important context of which indicates the reason for the admonition, Drink no longer water, which was the source of his problem. Its that we wield the same kind of power that God has. Our trust is seen as so powerful that God is unable to act without it. Unless we can become so unified that we actually indwell one another, I would suggest a less mystical reading of John 17. Id say no but recommending Elevations music really is recommending Elevation. Another might be that Jesus, in some sense, rewards faith with action. Youve already agreed that God is not limited by a persons lack of faith. He committed to going back to the 50+ churches on his district and letting them know not how he had failed, but how he missed the opportunity to do better. In this case, its that Jesus isnt God, and isnt one with the Father, but that Hes the first being that God created. Yet, is Furtick teaching heresy, for this is what John was saying; For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 1 John 5:7. Im more likely to listen to someone who doesnt point fingers. He came to believe that, with that sentence, God had planted a "vision in my heart" to someday pastor a big city church. Your James reference you switched up, 1:3 should be 3:1 . Your article comes as no surprise. As founder and lead pastor, he has helped grow the multi-site Elevation Church. And he marvelled because of their unbelief. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lords glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. What IS the question? Will you do yours? As for including the entire faith teachings, please feel free to defend any of them. Itss just cool. , I came back to this discussion because of a recent email on this subject, so I read your last statement again. People shouldnt have to search the web to find out whether anyone claiming the name of Jesus is trustworthy but they do. . In Furticks own words, the power of God was trapped in their unbelief. THAT is his point, as the rest of his quote shows. I dont have an aversion to faith folks. You and I have a responsibility to the gospel as it was once and for all handed down: Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to Gods holy people. You seem to think that the power is in US that speaking those words is what saves us. Hopefully, we all learn from our mistakes. If your father is not a modalist, he will be able to explain the doctrine of the trinity and be able to explain how the Son is not the Father, for example. All three have attributes that only God has. I hear you, about it being tough to move on from what weve been taught especially from a young age. I hope not. Its the established position of Scripture and the witness of millions of faithful Christians throughout history: God CAN heal, but He might not and we dont have the power to override His decisions. That sounds good, but its the opposite of what we see in the Bible. Will God honor His word regardless of who presents it ? Its an observation. Both of us having what I would describe as a crisis of faith. I mean no offense by this, Mercy. Rather than praying for me, or finding Scriptures to show that what Ive written is false, youve attacked me. I dont mean that you might create a circumstance where God would be less than pleased about your cooperation with Him. I am rare. Making the claim as if its self-evidently true is a mistake, and not how we should handle Scripture. If you need clarification to answer it that simply, Ill be happy to clarify but it seems simple: Do you, in any sense, have power over God? Im not chastising you, but making a point for all to see that the text is our source, and our interpretations should be entirely dependent on the text. But, you are saying he did this by a sovereign act of his will, how can that be, since he specifically said; according to your faith be it unto you, as even your answer to such question, does our faith play a part in how God interacts with us, including healings. What do you do when someone asks you whether a teacher is reliable or unreliable? We should appreciate anyone who teaches us the truth, but that doesnt mean we should uncritically follow them when we see significant problems in their lives, in their ministries, and in their teaching. Named . We know that salvation is translated from the Greek word; Sozo which includes healing. not that I cannot see problems/difficulties with this analogy! Lets all open our Bibles and compare what we believe with what God has said, and adjust our beliefs accordingly. Here are 10 facts about him. We dont agree that healing belongs to us in Christ Jesus, because the Word of God does not say that. He seeks the lost, does not delight in the death of the wicked, and wants all to come to repentance so His character is such that we receive all manner of blessings from Him that are entirely unrelated to whether weve gained any approval for our efforts. Furtick used the word could in Matthew 13:58, yet you said it was heresy, now here the same word could is also used. First, it contradicts Scripture. Heres what we know from the passage itself, from history, and simple logic: Because Revelation is usually the last book in the compilation of books we call the New Testament, we have a natural tendency to see it as the summation of what came before. You, or the writers of Scripture? Steven Furtick, the founder and senior pastor of Southern Baptist Church (SBC) Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, has drawn theological criticism for statements he made in a recent Facebook post. He draws us to Himself, or we could not be saved. It Was A Good Fight. He has no inside. The Holy Spirit is spirit. The commenting system only goes so deep, then you cant add another level of replies. Anyone who disagrees with what Furtick teaches must a) be envious, b) ignorant of how God has blessed his church, and c) a deceiver. Now true, God does give us the measure of faith per scripture Romans 12:13, yet we must use that which is given. If Steven Furtick IS a false teacher, then playing Elevation music in your church promotes a false teacher, funds his ministry, and adds to the problem rather than solving it. Thats the question. One strategy is to ask questions in a different context. Lets turn that around and see how you feel: Ive done my homework. Second, we know that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. First: what does this passage actually SAY? Furtick puts the power in the hands of the unbelievers, rather than in Gods hands. You arent David, and Goliath isnt your fear standing in the way of your destiny. We will see how full of sinful judgemental, misguided jealousy you are. Thats not good. See what I mean? This is where you read a section of the Bible and you add to it. Finally, suggesting that he may be engaging in circumincessionism doesnt necessarily make things better, or more orthodox. I wouldnt think so, but thats the result of what youve written. As Ive written in What is a False Teacher, I want to be careful, and I dont see these teachers as my enemies only as people who need to be seen, assessed, critiqued, and understood. For mature, well-educated believers, there is less danger than for others. But Furtick didn't apologize for the 16,000-square-foot home, which drew national media attention last week because of its size and cost. Started as a worship music team leader at Christ Covenant, a Baptist church in Shelby. This unbiblical idea is that humans are not only somewhat like God, but that we are duplicates or copies of Him. Find out whether the people you listen to are teaching what we find in the New Testament, or not. And he performed very few miracles there because of their lack of faith. In both it indicates that did not is part and partial to could not for it was the lack of their faith that caused this. The blood of Jesus is far superior to the blood of animal sacrifices in the eyes of God, so much so that sacrifice of animals ceased being acceptable to him since the completion of the atoning work of his Son on the cross, Hebrews 9:11-14 In my opinion when labeling a man a false teacher we are inevitably questioning their salvation , whether we admit it or not. God the Father, son and spirit is one and same person in three forms to carry out different functions for man. >> So no, modalism is not a false doctrine. Join us on @elevationplus as we dive deeper into the sermon. I have felt conviction over singing their music because it supports their ministry, which clearly teaches some wrong theology. Even Sproul (who you quoted earlier) does so by saying The circumstances by which God the Holy Spirit unleashed [Christs] power were not available there, because there was a judgment of God on the town of Nazareth. I really appreciate your conclusion as it shows compassion and love. You have to see yourself healed [in your heart] before you see yourself healed [in reality]. If the Father sends the Son, the Father is not the Son. Ther very first time I saw Steven, he reminded me of someone very long ago named Reverend Carl H. Stevens of The Bible Speaks Ministry back in the 70s and 80s. The Father sends the Holy Spirit after Jesus goes back to Him, and so on. First, Ive confirmed your subscription to this comment thread. The laws, regulations, and guidelines we see in Scripture for both ancient Israel and for followers of Jesus are, historically speaking, universally understood to be a reflection of Gods character. Sometimes, pastors make bad decisions. When you read Jesus words in context, you will see that He wasnt saying to not judge. Hes also a dangerous false teacher, whether he knows it or not. Where the Bible isnt clear, we should hold loosely to the ideas that we come up with about who God is, how He operates, and why. Paul wanted to be healed, but lacked sufficient faith. Dont you think the disciples were confused when Jesus told THEM to feed the 5,000? Unfortunately, many false teachers have perfectly orthodox statements of faith. Christianity seems pretty boring (to some people) after listening to false teachers explain that God doesnt judge them, that God wants them to be rich, that they have the power inside themselves to live an amazing life, and so on. Whether he knows it or not fear standing in the ministry itself Jesus goes back Him... Was salvation, we have a lot of people disagree with me, or the of. Likely to listen to are teaching what we see in the position of thwarting Gods will, which is mistake! 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