new hire orientation icebreakers

Helping new team members share something about themselves or spend time with other team members is a great onboarding strategy. Each orientation leader will choose comic strips with the same number of frames Break the group off into pairs and give them some time to get to know one another. Using Podcasts to Increase College Student Engagement, Institutional Strategies to Increase College Student Engagement, Boost Learning Outcomes and Earnings with These Student Organization Fundraising Tips, 5 Mindfulness Practices You Can Engage Students in Virtually. - Each team member has to share two "roses," which means any positive event in their life right now, - The team members would then share one "thorn," which refers to an issue they are currently facing. Designate a team member ahead of time to lead the stretches (or lead them yourself). A great orientation experience will leave new employees feeling excited and motivated to start their job. Onboarding, induction, orientation and training may seem like similar processes; however, its important that you know the difference. Take a look at the graphic below to learn more about the best icebreakers for the workplace. A way to allow coworkers to create that community is to introduce icebreakers. For example - "Would you rather speak in front of a crowd or stay behind the scenes?". One of the first ways you get to greet somebody in the workplace is with a handshake. Each student will add one word to the story try to build it as long as you can. Your team will learn a lot about each others musical tastes, and youll also create an awesome playlist you can all enjoy while you work. Sign up for our free cloud-based employee onboarding and engagement solution. Say hi to helping students make new friends 60 different ways! Separate your students into groups of 4-5. What icebreakers would you add? When the group believes they have done so, instruct them to gently place the rope on the floor (maintaining its shape) and remove their blindfolds to check their work. Have everyone vote on the corniest joke either via Zoom poll or by keeping tabs on a notepad. As a transfer student, I was nervous about meeting new people and acclimating to a new school. Popcorn it over to the most enthusiastic team member with that same interest and have them share a new one. How to Create an Efficient Workload Management Process, What Is the Scaled Agile Framework? Have everyone form a circle. Heres an example from Oregon Goes to College. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. Planning a few new hire orientation games will help you break up those mundane to-dos while encouraging your team members to get to know each other and forge some beneficial bonds. - What is something no one here knows about you? Its a fun way to bond and share a giggle here and there over everyones work of art. About the author: Lindsey Velde (she/her) was a former Content Marketing Intern for Modern Campus Presence, and a proud graduate of the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg. Participants will be pleasantly surprised by what they learn about each other. The rest of the players will then guess the identity of the envelope in hand but they must be confident in their answer as each player only has one chance to guess per envelope. The orientation leader picks any year or a date before orientation and gives each student a chance to tell the group what they were doing at that time (the summer of 2007, when One Direction split-up, when Lemonade was released whatever you want). If you and your team dont have a lot of opportunities to see each other face-to-face, photo sharing is a great way to increase personal connections. Share a laugh and snap photos of you and your colleagues dressed up as elves with Zoom backgrounds at the North Pole, or in your spookiest costumes for Halloween. You can try to get everyone to make silly or scary faces, or even try to mimic the Brady Bunch title sequence. If youre on Zoom, post the question on the chat or share it via your screen. Then, students must find 4 other students to form their best possible hand of poker. The best ice breakers have the power to strengthen coworker bonds, stimulate better brainstorming sessions, and create an atmosphere of inclusivity. Whoever guesses correctly gets bragging rights. Which of the following is our correct logo? Icebreaker Games. and they select which option suits them. Have team members share some bucket list items they want to achieve in the future. Examples of possible square options include: - Find somebody with the same number of siblings as you, - Find somebody who plays an interesting instrument, - Find somebody who was born in another country, - Find somebody who was born in the same month as you. Have someone write down well-known names on sheets of paper and then hand them off one at a time to a team member. While its important for your new employees to begin making connections with each other, you also want to encourage them to begin building rapport with other members of the company. The teams who are willing to test multiple design iterations and those who dont waste time playing the role of CEO, tend to do best. Its hard to play these games without sharing a laugh, which is something we all could use in the workday. Two should be true, and one should be a lie (this is a rare time in the workplace when dishonesty is encouraged). This could be a great way to get to know surprising new things about your teammates. As the game progresses, eliminate any players who laugh or make noise when it is not their turn. Having a smaller group makes it easier for employees to get to know each other because you have fewer people to involve and manage and fewer things for everyone to remember. Sometimes the team that wins is composed of employees that initially thought they had nothing in common. On the count of three, they must face their partner, look each other in the eyes, and then try to remain absolutely solemn and silent. This is when the group leader can discuss the importance of each person in a team or group. Why Digitisation Is Changing Onboarding and Engagement. Here are some options worth considering: - What do you usually have for breakfast? Then, instruct them to build the most sophisticated marshmallow and toothpick structure that they can. This game encourages everyone to think about a certain topic in smaller groups ahead of time, which could increase participation during the meeting. Then, have the students put their hometowns and names on the map. The benefits of a great icebreaker can't be underestimated for new hires. Plus, icebreakers aren't just employees and employee engagement. Once all the slips are collected, someone will draw one out of the bowl and read to the rest of the players whats on the slip. Bonus points if you actually go out of your way to make a paper crown. Have your coworkers take turns showing their cool party (or office) tricks. Gather your group and dedicate some time forstudents to think of their two truths and a lie. During the game, everyone can chime in or give reasons as to why someone deserves the title, and the group consensus will be the final decision. You can also adapt this game to be Name Boggle instead of birthdays. Once everyone has completed the personality assessment, have each colleague mention one thing they agree or disagree with from their results. Ensure you have the right team size for this activity. Have everyone form a circle to share what is on their mind, what is in their heart, and how their body feels. Think again. Everyone can guess what adjective someone is trying to convey, and can even share why if they want to. From those that can help managers determine new employees' strengths and personality quirks. This is one of my favorite icebreakers because it's a fun way to get to know your team. Have them wear a specific colour. For more information, check out our, 70 Fun (Not Cheesy) Ice Breaker Games & Activities Your Team Will Enjoy in 2023, Pop up for FREE COMPANY CULTURE CODE TEMPLATE,, presented his Marshmallow Challenge at TED. When that person catches the ball, ask them to read the question closest to their left thumb aloud and answer it once they are done, they pass it to another student. There are many options!). Make sure everyone writes their names down! This continues until eachperson has participated. To prepare for the activity, write out 20 or so questions on slips of paper and place them in a hat or other receptacle. This fun team-building activity will encourage your employees to use their skills to efficiently to win the game. just like regular RPS except with a few added features. 2. Tell them to think for a minute or two on the meetings topic. It felt like exactly what it was: organized fun. Example: Would you rather be a cast member in Euphoria or Ozark?. The envelopes are to be shuffled and chosen once at a time by the leader to read aloud to the rest of the group. Would you rather only have summer or winter for the rest of your life? The rest of the group then has to guess which statement is a lie. An alternative to the partner introduction that will still serve to help This ice breaker lets individuals ease up and have a little fun without a hassle. These serve to engage employees, help people get to know one another, and turn strangers into genial co-workers. Would you rather have a horrible short-term memory or a horrible long-term memory? Would you rather go on a hike or see a movie? Want to make new employee onboarding even smoother? Here are some fun games and activities you can try: This icebreaker activity is classic and effective. Ask for their ideas and feedback, and youll identify activities that everybody enjoys. Designate a team member ahead of time to share their popular or unpopular opinion. Bonus points if you ask them whether theyd label themselves as a hero or villain. Once thats done, put all of the cards in a pile and mix them up. Once everyone has selected a frame, they will begin searching for the other students with the same comic strip. This will make the game more challenging. Team members need to repeatedly recite their answers aloud while wandering around the room to find other people saying that same answer. Ask a question, and challenge team members to reply using the emoji they think fits best. Ask the students to form a circle and then put on blindfolds. Building a community within the office helps foster productivity, collaboration, and a better team dynamic. In this icebreaker, youll first want to ask everyone involved if theyre comfortable having their photos taken before the meeting begins (I know Id like a heads up in case I was wearing an old band shirt instead of my usual business casual outfits.). Entertaining and motivating original stories to help move your visions forward. Allow the teams time to deliberate and then ask them to present the item they chose and why. Have everyone popcorn to someone after their turn, or go alphabetically. 3. This icebreaker can be helpful in new-employee or management training to lighten the pressure of starting a new job. As Wujec explains, the game forces participants to think quickly and work together. If no one guesses correctly, popcorn your turn to someone else. This game can get funny pretty quickly, as a whisper down the lane can get misinterpreted over and over again. Whether its purposeful or not, showing up late to the party means youre automatically on the outside of all the inside jokes, coffee runs, and water cooler chats. The group leader will read out several this or that statements, one at a time. In this icebreaker game, have everyone write 10 facts about themselves on paper and place them each into their own envelopes. Here are a few ideas which you might find useful and effective for remote employees. It's fun and encourages collaboration, but additionally, it can help employees learn their way around the office. Whichever team can build the tallest structure, wins the trick is, the marshmallow must be on top. Spooky? Steps in Making the New Hire WelcomeBegin the process before the new person starts work. Make sure that key coworkers know the employee is starting and encourage them to come to say "hello" before orientation begins. Assign a mentor or buddy, to show the new person around, make introductions, and start training. Start with the basics. More items Pair off the group and ask them to get to know their partner as best as they can in one minute. This icebreaker game will have everyone thinking on their feet. Meet-and-greets. Have your team members share their screen or send a file to the team leader to share with everyone. Qualee is an award-winning employee experience platform designed to empower organisational alignment and belonging. Most people feel nervous about introducing themselves to a group, so to make this process easier, break your new employees into pairs and ask each partner to interview the other. Then, haveeach student pull one sticky noteout of the bowl and complete the sentence that they find (i.e. Enjoy seeing the eclectic items in your team members homes! Free and premium plans, Operations software. These simple icebreaker games can have a big and positive impact on your newest employees, helping them to feel comfortable and engaged in the new office. Meg Prater, Senior Content Marketing Manager of the HubSpot blog, says "When I first started including ice-breaker questions in our weekly team stand-up meetings, the experience was cringeworthy. As the map fills up with pins, people will learn about how diverse their teammates might be. Your orientation should include a thorough tour of your facility, office, or workspace. To successfully loosen everyone up and get them in the right mindset for a meeting, you might consider putting a short Pop Quiz on the board. How about starting with one or two fun, engaging, (definitely not boring) icebreaker games. Outside of the workplace, your teammates are people with aspirations and goals you wouldnt know about from the average coffee chat. This is repeated down the line. This could work like, Simon says touch your hips, Simon says hop on one foot, Simon says touch your nose touch your ears! Whoever does the action (like touching your ears) will be booted out of the game because it wasnt a Simon says action. If supplies are needed, let your team know ahead of time. Resource:,, How Does an Electric Food Dehydrator Work and How to Select the Right One. The orientation leader will prepare a list of sentences. The orientation leader has a large ball of yarn and asks the group to sit in a circle. This icebreaker wont take your team time at all to complete if you give them a heads up to prepare. "The person sharing gets to decide whether or not to elaborate, and everyone listens without response. The first player then attempts to say pterodactyl to the student to their right while keeping their teeth covered by their lips. Drawasaurus is one of my favorite online drawing games to play with colleagues. This game is pretty straightforward, or straight backward. One of the most crucial parts of the onboarding process is taking the time to help new hires smoothly integrate into their new team and connect with their colleagues. This ones a no-brainer. Now what? Then add this twist to make the game more challenging and meaningful, dont allow them to note physical or visual similarities. Have every group come up with a plot for the next blockbuster. Allow your new hires to talk to their supervisors or other managers and ask them questions as well. Whoever does not notice that they have been pointed to or does not respond quickly enough is out. Superlatives Tell the new employees to line up Whisper Down the Lane is an icebreaker game where team members form a larger circle and share a random message whispered into the ear of someone to their left. Another one of the classic new hire orientation icebreakers is simply having each new hire answer questions about themselves that can help others get to know them better. Each student will go to one side of the room based on their preference. Continue going around the group. Someone can either lead by example, showcasing some arm and back stretches, or just let everyone freestyle. Each student will thenshow off a special skill or hidden talent that they have. Once everyone is done making their airplanes, have everyone fly their planes across the room. Have everyone fill out an interest form for the event. You are not allowed to move directly to the left or right of where you started. Proceed slide-by-slide and have team members either throw their guesses in the chat, or write their guesses privately on a notepad. Would you rather is another classic icebreaker game that gives employees a chance to learn more about each other in terms of their preferences. The idea of an icebreaker may make teams feel a little hesitant, due to how mind-numbing they could be in school. Its simple everyone will create a fun, creative handshake. Free and premium plans. Kahoot is a trivia platform you can use for free (hosts up to 10 people). For a solution that can ensure an intuitive onboarding process that will help smoothly integrate new employees into your organisation, check out Qualee. According to the training firm Leadership IQ, 46% of rookies wash out in their first 18 months. This was found by a study done over 3 years of 20,000 new hires. This icebreaker works by asking your coworkers to choose one of their favorite songs from a certain genre. Asking "How is everyone?" Once all the students have formed into their groups they will arrange their comic strip frames in chronological order. The first day is overwhelming enough without having to ask someone where the bathroom is. So, how can you ensure each one of your new employees has an excellent orientation experience? Invite your employees to bring one icebreaker question they want to ask, such as why they choose their career path or what their experiences were before. Reach out to individual team members to find the most suitable instructor. Each orientation leader will choose comic strips with the same number of frames as the number of students in their group (so if you have 8 orientees, youll need comic strips with 8 frames). Orientation is part of your wider employee onboarding strategy, is crucial for making a good first impression, and helps with employee retention in the long run. Instead of taking your new recruits on a tour of the office, let them explore their new workspace for themselves with a fun scavenger hunt. Use a Sharpie and write on a beach ball with getting-to-know-you questions. Share the photo via your team messaging app and pin it for posterity. This icebreaker is also especially well-suited to remote work, as it can easily be done at home and discussed via video conference. This is like that but a little less embarrassing. At the start of the meeting, give everyone 5 minutes to find the item that theyd like to show (Option: Have them turn their camera off). Unfortunately, I auditioned for Zoom.). One by one, each player will enter the scene, assume a frozen position, and describe what role they play in the overall scene (i.e. Gartic Phone gives you a short time frame to sketch photos based on other players prompts and can result in some hilarious artwork. Once everyone is done blowing their balloons up, do a quick round of balloon volleyball to mix-up the questions. Planning new hire ice breakers can be simpler when smaller teams are involved. Ask them which theyd prefer to dress in and why. All the remaining individuals find a new partner and continueuntil there is one winner. A fun icebreaker session puts everyone at ease, creates a positive and informal setting for banter to flow, encourages self-expression and discovery, and can help to break up any team cliques that may have formed up until now. Once everyone is finished, switch up the groups. For this icebreaker, have everyone on your team go around and share a word or phrase that represents how they feel that day. (FYI, I have two brothers, not three, so that's the lie. Ask the group to sit in a circle. Theres nothing like some lighthearted banter to get everyone warmed up before a meeting. You might be interested in the following resources:Calculate onboarding ROI using ourOnboarding Cost CalculatorLearn about our22 Mind-Blowing Onboarding StatisticsWhy Digitisation Is Changing Onboarding and EngagementOur Recommended 42 Essential Onboarding Questions for New Hires. Everybody in the group repeats those motions while reciting that persons name. 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